Minggu, 08 April 2012

Week Recap: Professor Damodaran and Professor Cooley

Two weeks ago, we had the privilege of bringing in two of NYU's most reputable and successful professors. On Tuesday, Stern's very own Professor Aswath Damodaran talked to the Finance Society about the various components of corporate valuation, giving us a perspective on how to look at equity in the market. The notion of intrinsic value was particularly interesting. Often at Stern we talk about strategy and the benefits of mergers, and often we assign too much weight to intangible concepts such as 'synergy' and 'control.' Professor Damodaran warned us to be wary of these words when looking at the intrinsic value of a company, something that cannot be discounted. He also went into greater detail on many of the line items in a financial statement and how to look at them.

On Thursday we invited in Professor Thomas Cooley to speak about some of his latest macro-economic research. Professor Cooley, the former dean of NYU Stern, began by looking at trends in capital flows over time. He then tied these trends to differences in demographics between countries suggesting that the social and political differences amongst countries has an effect on where capital flows to over time.

The week saw two of our most successful 'Professor Series' events and we hope to continue to bring in some of the top professors at NYU.

Finance Society Executive Board

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