Rabu, 29 Februari 2012
Apple for You?
Selasa, 28 Februari 2012
EVENT RECAP: Goldman Sachs - Market Risk Management; Cover Letter & Resume Workshop
This week the Finance Society put on two events.
The Next "Warren"?
How to Stabilize High Frequency Trading?
Norman Bae
Senin, 27 Februari 2012
Gilded Silver
This past Saturday, I had the pleasure of watching my beloved Liverpool F.C take home the Carling Cup, their first trophy in seven years. Yet the manner in which they won, relying on a missed penalty kick by the opposing second-league team Cardiff seemed too close for comfort. It was the first trophy won by the team following its sale to John Henry and his Fenway Sports Group. And with this new owner, came a new policy of spending, akin to the “sabermetrics” strategy outlined in Moneyball. In the past two transfer seasons, Liverpool has spent over £150 million on new players. Yet they currently place seventh in the Premier League, and barely won the Carling Cup. This is the inherent flaw in association football. As a public, we criticize our respective governments for deficit spending and rising national debts; yet the moment our teams begin cutting costs to even out the balance sheet, we riot. Even for the likes of Manchester United, who have seen tremendous success for the past two decades, fans loathe the team’s owner, the Glazer family, for cutting spending. But I do not think that lack of spending is the problem.
If we look back to last year, for the second half of the season, Liverpool had the best record amongst all teams, rebounding from the bottom of the table to finish 6th after Kenny Dalglish took over as manager. Following that infusion of £150 million? We’re one place below last year. Fenway Sports Group feels pressure to spend to appease fans, and thus tries to maximize spending by buying medium-skilled players at a discount with the occasional big spend like that of Andy Carroll for £35 million. Yet this spending came at a time when the team finally began gelling together, and ultimately broke up the growing chemistry of last year’s team. The same is happening all over England, with the likes of Arsenal, Tottenham, and Manchester United feeling pressure to spend the moment they have a dip in form. And what of their Spanish rival Barcelona, the best team in the world? The likes of Andres Iniesta and Xavi were developed in-house, saving them millions on transfer fees. English football’s youth system trails the Spanish youth academies, forcing English clubs to spend on international talent to cover up this gap. As long as the foundation is weak, English teams will continue racking up debts without success at the continental level. And as long as they continue to underperform against their European rivals, fans will demand more spending. I love Liverpool F.C and am still soaking in the trophy they won a few days ago; however, Fenway Sports Group needs to look only as far as the U.S government to know that spending, even if it is technically “efficient”, is not always the answer. If we look to Moneyball from which Liverpool’s new management molded its financial policies, the book outlines the unprecedented 20 game win streak of the Oakland Athletics under the sabermetric approach. Yet the team never won the World Series. And in the world of association football, it’s always about the silverware.
-Aureen Sarker (Photo Credit: Liverpool F.C)
Minggu, 26 Februari 2012
Date: Thursday, March 1st, 2012
Time: 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm
Location: Tisch 200
Are you interested in sports, entertainment, and finance? Come listen to David Becker, Associate at Inner Circle Sports, a leading global investment and advisory merchant bank focused on the sports, media and entertainment industries. David Becker is responsible for sourcing and executing M&A advisory, capital raising, valuation, consulting, restructuring and investing transactions in the global professional sports industry. Co-sponsored with STEBA.
Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012
LTRO Part Deux
~ Ravi Tamboli
Kamis, 23 Februari 2012
Too Much Lending Eh?
Leading Canadian economists and government officials warned in a recent quarterly economic review that escalating consumer borrowing in the country may lead to financial instability in Canada. As a matter of fact, in the third quarter of last year, household debt was at 150% of personal disposable income. Economists believe that this increasing risk is only underpinned by the rising home prices that are largely due to immigration and high demand for homes by the immigrants. From a macroeconomic perspective, I share the same concerns. Assuming the rising house prices is truly due to the large influx of immigrants in recent years, a slight change to Canadian immigration laws may greatly affect the housing prices in Canada. Under the domino effect, the current household debt situation, if affected by the housing price, can lead to a drastic downturn for the Canadian economy.
On the other hand, the specificity rule states that an efficient government policy acts directly as possible on the source of an economic problem. Therefore, I believe it is in the best interest of the Canadian government to implement policies that directly tighten the criteria for lending to reduce risks in domestic financial stability.
Minggu, 19 Februari 2012
Crunch Time for Greece
Regulatory Capital and Value-at-Risk
Time: 6:40 pm - 7:45 pm
Location: KMEC 5-80
Join Finance Society this Tuesday evening as it hosts professionals from Goldman Sachs. The discussion will center around the topics of regulatory capital and Value-At-Risk (VaR), which have been extremely relevant in the news. Bring your questions and come to learn more about how these rules are affecting financial institutions in the world.
Resume & Cover Letter Workshop
Date: Thursday, February 23rd, 2012Time: 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm
Location: Tisch 200
Join Finance Society Thursday during common hour for the Resume & Cover Letter Workshop! We will be walking through some great pointers and tips on how to make your Resume and Cover Letter effective and stand out. Be sure to bring your resumes and cover letters as members from the Finance Society's e-board will be available to sit down and go through resumes individually after the presentation!
Jumat, 17 Februari 2012
Competition for Netflix?
Many of us lived through the drama that was the Netflix-Qwikster debacle last year. Since then, however, Netflix has recovered and shot up almost 70% in 2012. It delivered over 2 billion hours of streaming, cleverly began focusing on TV-shows for their addicting factor, and partnered with EyeIO to develop a video encoding system requiring only half the current bandwidth in order to expand into more developing countries. Now it faces a new threat according to news sources. But does it really? Last Monday a $450 million Verizon-Coinstar joint venture was announced that seeks to compete in the online streaming and DVD rental business in the US. For an alleged $6 a month customers will get unlimited streaming and one DVD at a time from Redbox kiosks, which Coinstar operates. Meanwhile, Netflix charges $7.99 for each service and $15.98 for both. While the 62% savings are bound to attract an audience, Verizon/Redbox will more importantly be competing with Netflix, Amazon and other online streaming services in terms of content. With advanced recommendation systems and relatively high switching costs, the breadth and depth of their selections will largely determine whether people jump on board or stick with their current service. Investors are justifiably skeptical. Netflix has 24 million subscribers, spends up to $1 billion a year on content and has video licensing commitments of over $3.9 billion, and even so people are consistently dissatisfied with the limited selection. It seems unlikely that Verizon/Redbox will be able to match this with a ‘mere’ $450 million. For now at least, this is looking more like a box office flop than a blockbuster deal in the making.
-Vivien Sung
Event Recap- Superstar Senior Panel
Last week's event was a showcase of a few of Stern's exceptional seniors, who provided us insight into the recruiting process, different positions in finance, and life. We had representatives from investment banking, sales and trading, asset management, and capital markets roles at top financial services institutions. Although each person advocated on the behalf of their specific function, everyone agreed that freshman and sophomore years should be seen as a period of exploration. Overwhelmingly, they expressed that Stern students pigeonhole themselves into a certain career path without determining which options truly correlate with their specific skills and interests. The panel served as a great reminder that this more often then not leads to an unfortunate post-graduation experience. Thanks a ton to all the seniors who participated in our panel and feel free to reach out to Finance Society members with any questions or concerns you may have about the recruiting process!
Kamis, 16 Februari 2012
Kung Fu Panda for the Kung Fu Creators
In addition to doing some “relationship building” with President Obama, Vice President of China Xi Jinping visits the U.S. to commence a new relationship with… Hollywood. DreamWorks Animation, responsible for creating the box-office hits Kung Fu Panda and Shrek, will partner with Shanghai Media Group and China Media Capital to produce Chinese films, television shows and live stage productions in China. This deal serves as a significant stepping stone into the Chinese film industry, which has been rapidly growing, while the U.S film industry declines. DWA hopes to piggyback off the success Kung Fu Panda 2 had in China (which raked in about $100m in 2011) to secure a strong position in Chinese film due to the predicted success of this industry over the next several years.
While professionals predict Chinese Hollywood to be successful in the future, one major consideration to keep in mind is also China’s highly lucrative and expansive counterfeit industry. Notorious for imitating everything from iPad 2s to Louis Vuitton bags, duplicating and distributing physically AND electronically DVDs is a piece of cake compared to the technological and aesthetic intricacies that Apple products and designer bags entail. Although situating DWA in a growing film market could be profitable in the short run, the long run seems relatively bleak as the strength of the internet and duplication technology increases.